Have you ever been called stubborn? When I see the word stubborn I get a visual of a mule sitting in the middle of the road on his haunches with someone trying to coax him and pull him to get up and move, and he just won't budge, or I get a visual of a child with his arms folded across his chest saying, "I won't, I won't!"
There have been times that I have been that mule or been that child and frankly speaking, that's not a good look. It's a look that requires change. Hey, don't judge! I may not be all that I want to be, but thank God I sure ain't what I used to be, and I'm still a work in progress. Yet, there's one thing I'm glad to be positively stubborn about, and that's this verse:
“So remember this and keep it firmly in mind: The Lord is God both in heaven and on earth, and there is no other." Deuteronomy 4:39 (NLT)
God said it! I believe it! And that settles it! I shall NOT be moved!