Dealing with sibling family drama is uhgggggg!!!!! Don’t get me wrong, I like drama, but I prefer my drama when I’m sitting in the middle of row C, in orchestra seats, in a place called, Off Broadway. I’m just saying!
I mean this “over the hump” saying thing has me going this morning so I go online to find out where it originated from. When I keyed in the word, hump, I just knew the definition would read: pain in the behind sister or brother; instead I found that it is chiefly a British expression for a fit of depression or an emotional slump.
I also found that the word’s first known use was in 1681 and has its origin in German and Dutch languages. After more surfing, I found a lot of motivational and inspirational quotes by well renowned people to help get you over that hump! Then, I put it all away and went to my Bible, and inspiration from on high led me to pray:
Lord, I hate family drama; please help me to keep the mirror in front of me.
Forgive me for any part I had in it! Lord I pray Your Word and ask You to: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me (Psalm 51:10 AMP). In Jesus’ name I pray, amen