Just the other day I was listening to it and singing the chorus: "We've come to the end of the road still I can't let go..."
It made me think of a period of my life when I was operating in a different understanding. There were many times that I would come to the end of the road called, me; but I couldn't let go because I just couldn't see what was up ahead. It was very dark and I was afraid. So I spent a lot of time crawling around in the darkness. But, it was in that darkness that I finally learned to let go, and let God, and gradually, light replaced the darkness and I saw the way.
Some folks like to say: "He made a way out of no way." But as for me, I have learned that the way was always there, but back then I just couldn't see it. I once was blind and now, I see.
The Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lift up those who are weighed down. The Lord loves the godly. Psalm 146:8 (NLT)
photo from: dmsrealm.com